Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yogananda, a yogi?

In a wave of support for Yogananda among various groups in the last couple of years, there have been enough reasons to contemplate upon his status as a yogi. As a staunch Sai follower two years back, it was odd to suddenly feel a strong connection to a swami that I had only seen on the cover of a popular spiritual book numerous times. I had never had the urge to read the book until the beginning of 2004 when I picked it up specifically to read the chapters on a mystic yogi or avatar called Babaji. Yogananda's autobiography still held no genuine appeal aside from these chapters. A few months later, after the book constantly cropped up into my field of vision I finally decided to read it and sincerely enjoyed it, still holding the interest on the chapters of Babaji. Bizarrely there seemed to be a flow of attention towards Yogananda and his autobiography from diverse quarters such as Sai friends and colleagues from work. Along with this was the suspicious rise of the somewhat infamous young upstart "swami" calling himself Vishwananda claiming his pedestal to fame as the reincarnation of Yogananda. At the time I did not question this sudden connection to Yogananda but assumed it was some natural part of spiritual growth to be encouraged towards sages, saints and mystics.

In retrospect I have to wonder whether this odd inclination towards Yogananda, not only on my part, but many others as well, was a result of things outside of normal awareness! Whatever it was, I have to say that I have thankfully returned to my original opinion of Yogananda as just another of the innumerable Indian swamis of his time whose real claim to fame was his association with the West. The reality is, would he have been anywhere near as well-known had he just remained in his home country? Undeniably making a name for oneself in the West during 1930's and 40's would have been more than enough to be placed on that pedestal that many mystics seem to be seeking in the West at the moment. Without intending to offend any group, the West (especially USA) would have been ignorant of Hindu philosophy, beliefs, tradition and culture at the time. Someone like Yogananda, who seemed to thrive on charisma, confidence and scientific approach, would have had the right kind of appeal for the emergence of Western spiritual values. However does this make Yogananda a true yogi - not necessarily, as who would be the well informed judge of his path?

Having been committed to the notion of only Sathya Sai Baba being some divinely inspired guru from childhood and being inherently sceptical of all other swamis, it was odd to feel drawn towards Yogananda whose principles seemed to differ in many ways to those put forward by Sathya Sai, other than perhaps the promotion of 'love'. Yogananda was a Kriya yoga practioner which I assumed was an in-depth form of Kundalini yoga based on meditation and technical practices - this was until I encountered a book by Babaji from an alternate group on Kriya yoga which concentrated mainly on dharmic values and character development very similar to those proposed by Sai Baba. There was barely a mention of Kundalini or techical Kriya practices. Ironically this book was deeply reflective of my natural spiritual journey and personal tendencies, hence had to wonder whether Yogananda really was an expert on Kriya yoga or whether he was merely a Kundalini initiator of some kind. Furthermore from the little I read of spiritual teachings by Yogananda, other than his autobiography, there seemed to be a focus on development of power and meditation practices with less attention to character development - notably his discipline seemed to be devoid of the notions of non-attachment, purity of heart and removal of the ego which in contrast has always been stressed by Sathya Sai Baba (as well as by Babaji in the alternative book on Kriya yoga) as fundamental to reaching God. My personl feelings and experience is that it is impossible to move onto the path of Self-realisation without the intensive work of purifying the heart and attaining a good measure of non-attachment to relationships and the material world. These elements have been missing in whatever I've read of Yogananda.

As someone who was staunchly committed to Sai Baba as a guru, I used to constantly look for some sign of affirmation by him in my journey. As far as contemporary saints and sages go, Ramama Maharshi and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa are the two names he has referred to periodically - both of whom I have felt as a strong divine presence. He has also mentioned Swami Vivekananda and has referred to a few of the prominent Indian leaders in particular Gandhi. Conspicuously he has not made any reference to Yogananda in his discourses or teachings. Infact, Sai Baba has also told devotees questioning Kriya yoga that those interested in seeking Kriya yoga are motivated by ego - clearly a sign that he is putting people off from Yogananda and co's path. Ultimately it is still up to the individual to seek for themselves if the urge is strong and as I mentioned in the 'Sai Baba as a guru' blog, Sathya Sai's essence can be very provacative (sometimes mercilessly) along one's spiritual journey depending on karmic patterns, past life goals, natural tendencies etc etc. On a more personal note, as someone who grew up in a socio-politically conscious environment that included friends and family, I was surprised to note Yogananda's lack of political consciousness as he lived in a definitive period of India's history - many eminent yogis and saints appeared during that time and proved to be a great source of strength for all those connected to them. For Sai followers, Shirdi Baba incarnated and projected an image fostering Hindu-Muslim unity; Sri Aurobindo was imprisoned in his earlier days; Gandhi would often direct his ashram inmates to visit Ramana Maharshi; Sathya Sai Baba was emerging into his avatar status during that time and is recorded to have displayed unusual behaviour at the time of Gandhi's death and mentioned his passing shortly after. My point is that although Yogananda undoubtedly possessed a great deal of spiritual knowledge, there remains many questions of his true status as the genuine enlightened beings of the east remained deeply connected to their home country as sources of stability and strength during a time of inconceivable change.

So is Yogananda a yogi? My personal opinion is that he was a very powerful man who did some good works, but was not a saint or a yogi. I do sense that he exuded some measure of self-righteousness bordering on over-confidence which has reared a kind of arrogance through his followers periodically, many of whom fail to accept the existence of other avatars other than Babaji. I do feel that he had his vices as reports and rumours continue to surround him, affirmed by Babaji's discourses through an alternative group that Yogananda had left his body prematurely and had not completed his mission. Furthermore Babaji also happened to mention that deciples of Yogananda were practicing tantra (usually associated with sexual practices) which were going against the accepted discipline of Kriya yoga. According to Babaji, Yogananda and his group were no longer equipped to put forward his teachings and hence the alternate group who strictly adhered to his principles was formed. Within this group, Babaji is known as Babaji Nagaraj.

Unfortunately Yogananda has left a huge mark on the West and just from observation (including my own experience in 2004), he has continued to have a pulling power perhaps because of the countless people he is likely to have encountered in India, America and parts of Europe. For me it was a simple decision - I wanted to be free from this hold that he seemed to have and also did not relate to him as anyone other than a likely acquaintance. For others it may not be so simple, especially if they feel a strong past life connection or perhaps even relate to him as a former guru. Past life relationships are complicated especially if it marked a spiritual journey - karmic connections may run very deep for those who were deciples, followers or supporters of Yogananda during that life. Yogananda himself seemed very attached to his followers and supporters - people may not necessarily see this as a bad thing but this goes back to what should be the qualities of a true guru (which I referred to in the Sathya Sai blog). The real guru acts as a watchful parent and guide who gives you the freedom to find your own way should you wish to do so without attachment or judgement; he or she will also be happy to let you move on when you are ready to do so.

Yogananda's major achievement was introducing the West to eastern spiritual development in a time when it was almost unknown - while he can be credited for this, we must be careful in how much we credit him or similar beings as they themselves may still not have completed their own spiritual journeys. The most reassuring thing that Yogananda's possible grip on Western spiritual development was loosening came from an unlikely source - a former work colleague who had kept coming into contact with 'autobiography of a yogi' assuming it was a sign to read the book, finally did read the book only to be left feeling that it did not provide any spiritual answers that were relevant to personal growth. Yogananda failed to have any appeal to this person any longer so maybe for all of us looking for signs, this could see the opening for the true spiritual masters to come forth.

Those who found this post interesting may also find these blogs relevant:
Manuscript was accepted by Sathya Sai Baba in Aug 2010


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yogananda was sure a powerful man who understood cosmic energy science and can be termed as a cosmic scientist. Yoga is all about science of understanding the energy which flows through space untamed by time and free. So no doubt about yogananda. The problem lies with our Mind which never agrees with what ever explanation we give. It only wants to see the truth and reasons about what it likes. So my dear no fight with your explanation. We generally end up fighting with ourselves for reasons. Every individual efforts for attaining Nirvana and liberation is there effort. Yoganada reached that level might be possible but as human beings we cannot be sure of anything beacuse The Mind is a comman obstacle. So each and every person makes there effort. It doesn't matter he was a yogi or not what matters is where has an individual reached with his or her efforts. We all are just a mere instrument in the hands of the Cosmic Creator and controler so we cannot understand his game but we can only be a part of his game and work towards our personel progress of attaining oness with the Divine. It is nearly difficult and impossible of humans to understand the Game so lets keep on our effort of personel progress towards closing in inch by inch towards our creator and giver.



5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

agree that he was powerful and understood the nature of cosmic energy. My initial opinion of him was that he gave a good scientific type explanation on spiritual concepts.

Think the problem lies in those who believe he was infallible or beyond reproach rather than seeing him more objectively.


8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been two years since you wrote this. Are you still of the same opinion now? Yogananda's popularity grows day by day, as Sai Baba's image gets progressively tarnished by revelations of his sexual escapades and his fake materializations caught on video. My advice to you is to drop this charlatan like a hot potato and take Yogananda as your guru. Your spiritual quest will then truly begin.

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I don't dislike Yogananda - just find that he has been made more of than is worth. Do I have the same beliefs of Sai Baba - yes I do - not sure if you saw my Sai Prophecy page but accept him as an Avatar (whether or not he should be accepted as a standard Guru).


7:59 AM  
Anonymous mykyle said...

I believe Yogananda was a higher astral being reincarnated on earth, I'm not sure why he does not mention Sai Baba in his book, from anectdotal evidence it appears that he knew about Sai and one of his students became a devotee. I believe everything in his book was true but I don't know how applicabale it is in today's age because technology limits our ability to develop yogic powers.

8:35 PM  
Blogger gopu said...

All I can is that you are a mad woman

8:47 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

Strong words indeed from a spiritual aspirant I presume....perhaps this can enlighten you further!

''Shortly before he left his physical body behind, Paramahansa Yogananda was approached by one of his close American disciples, a woman. “Master,” she said, “I know you are planning on leaving your body. You must take me with you! You are my God!”

“Nonsense,” replied Yogananda. “God is God; I am your Guru.”

“But Master, if you leave without me, I will commit suicide!”

“Enough of that foolishness! God Himself is now incarnate on Earth, in South India. His name is Sai Baba. When I leave you are going to live with Him.” (His prediction proved correct; after Yogananda’s death, that devotee spent the rest of her life at Sai Baba’s ashram.)''

1:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is really kind of silly to me. How can you judge a realized master without being one yourself? Go spend some time with Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, a currently living yogi who's presense you can FEEL, and Yogananda is part of his lineage. And to question whether or not Yogananda was a yogi? A yogi is one who's life is dedicated to union with God. Read any of Yogananada's books, there is no doubt he was one of the most intense lovers of God that ever visited this planet. All the masters use Jesus' quote, that the teachers are like wineskins, keep the wine, and throw away the wineskin when it is done. I find it disappointing that you know this much about all these beings, and you're still nitpicking about silly ideas when you could have been meditating! Why take a stance at all? He definitely practiced yoga, he was a yogi! It's like me saying I really doubt that you are a blogger! lol

12:46 PM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

Joe, if you have read through my blog pages properly, you would also have seen that Sathya Sai Baba is my guide and I accept him as an avatar. I would also expect true yogis to accept him as such!

Before you make judgements on me or anyone who has made or wishes to make informed choices in their spiritual journey, I would have to ask whether you respect Sathya Sai atleast as a spiritual leader?

If not, I am still willing to hear you out. I accept that there are even those who may not have had a positive experience with Sathya Sai but I will still hear their views with objectivity!

Supporting the best interests of the spiritual seeker (rather than the yogi who has his/her guru/God), is crucial in a time where dozens of 'spiritual authorities' exist, some in direct conflict with the other.


6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Suven,
I too am a young girl like yourself and just as you have felt and cultivated an undying devotion for Sathya Sai Baba since childhood, so I have grown up with Yoganandaji as my Guru.
You say in your response to one of the comments here, that "the problem lies in those who believe he was infallible or beyond reproach rather than seeing him more objectively".
Suven, reading 'Autobiography of a Yogi' alone doesn't qualify the judging of His philosophies -- if it did, you would know that He often expressed that meditation without devotion, without love, without a ceaseless yearning for the Divine, was fruitless.
Indeed, reading all His books would still not be enough -- if you tried to live by His principles of devotion, meditation and Kriya, if you walked the walk instead of talking the talk, maybe then some kind of illumination as to His status as a yogi would follow.
On Sunday, Sathya Sai Baba passed away despite a very public prediction that he would live into his 90s. While critics will wield this discrepancy as a weapon, I am sure that as His disciple, you will be able to see something beyond that and maybe you have experienced far too much grace from Him on a personal level as a disciple to shake your opinion of Him. In a similar manner, I would expect you to respect the bounty our own Guru has showered on us and not make careless clinical statements regarding His infallibility and scientific approach.
In conclusion, all I want to say is, treat other realised souls of God with as much respect as you would your own Guru. At least that is what we are taught by ours -- to know, judge and understand a real saint, you have to be one.
God always be with you, in whatever form you choose to acknowledge Him in.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

To the above comment:

Dear, I am not able to perhaps give an adequate response at this time to you based on the fact that followers of Sathya Sai Baba are largely in grief currently and the funeral has yet to take place officially - regardless of your personal feelings of Sai Baba whom his group largely see as God incarnate and not just a yogi, I do hope that you and your group are respectful and empathetic to His followers in their time of grief otherwise wisdom, human compassion and understanding would definitely seem nonexistent among deciples of Yogananda.

May God give humanity compassion, brotherhood and/or sisterhood and world peace at a crucial time in human history!

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Suven,
My intent was not to offend you and as a disciple of utmost faith, I extend my heartfelt condolences -- the fact that your path is different to mine does not matter. I like to believe that they are all converging upon the same end goal.
My only point was, just as rumours abound about Sathya Sai Baba, your faith as a bhakt is most likely unshakeable -- as indeed, it should be. In a similar manner, our faith in our own Guru is unfailing and not without warrant, so a discussion of His perceived flaws -- accusations of tantric sex and other such ludicrous statements -- is hurtful. How do you react to somebody bringing up such accusations against Baba, when you most likely know better as a disciple?
Personally, I don't believe in the controversies surrounding Baba either -- I am respectful from afar and I feel for all His devotees at this difficult time. All I am saying, Suven, is that when one has 100 percent belief in one's Guru or God Incarnate, whichever you prefer to go by, one should abstain from narrowly judging and analysing the lives and work of other such Gurus based on hearsay and inadequate, misleading information.
You, me, other disciples -- none of us may judge another's path and beliefs, as each one's personal experiences with their own Gurus may differ. I hope you understand where I'm coming from.
God be with you always and my heartfelt condolences,

11:19 PM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

Thank you for your condolences and yes the ideal for all is greater peace on this planet.

If you have read my blogs you will know that I do not support the notion of gurus, swamis etc etc but Sathya Sai Baba is the Avatar and my Sath-Guru. I also accept that Yogananda did some good works but I do not seem him as perfect. This may be a difficult thing to talk about currently but if Sai Baba was not the Avatar I would not have committed to Him years back. I have seen greater harm then good on people following gurus etc and Sai Baba Himself used to advise his followers (sometimes even in his discourses) not to see 'gurus', swamis etc. Because of what I have encountered over the years, it has since made sense why He discouraged his followers to see others - people have lost money, been abused even sexually, lost faith, suffered healthwise etc.

I look to the Avatars for guidance and wisdom - that is Sai Baba and Amma Karunamayi and strictly avoid gurus over some years who I believe will become redundant soon as we all have been blessed with the required intellect to achieve yoga and surrendering power to human being (however evolved) may limit our progress on our spiritual journey.
The Sathya Sai path if making a commitment takes many deviations from how others may lead their followers and this may be a challenge for those from other groups to accept but it comes down to the faith that Sathya Sai Baba is an incarnation of God and His rules may not follow the norm!

May God guide you in the pursuit of inner peace and contentment!

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Satya sai is fake.. he is a swiss bank for the politicians n rich in india.. they divert there money with the help of his trust.. its all a fraud game.. its of no good to the people.. please stop writing useless blogs, n stop misleading people.. I know its ur personal belief but u have no business criticizing other genuine guru's, remember one thing a god never claims him self as a god.. Its a basic commonsense.. work on it first, later on spirituality..

2:44 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

If you choose to post comments anonymously you are also choosing to not be taken too seriously if your comments are lacking in substance - those on a spiritual path may often differ in opinion but understanding that love and wisdom is key, still offer respect to eachother - from your words your background suggests otherwise.

9:39 PM  
Blogger MuThink said...

I was a loyal member of SRF for many years (24), but changed my path after seeing many of the things which Sai Baba said were true. There is among the membership of SRF a great deal of selfishness, ego, fanaticism and other things which go against the teachings of Christ, which seem in-line more with what Sai Baba says. I would say after 14 years of practicing Kriya, I was actually far worse off. I was self-centered, egotistical. It had transfered me from a saintly person into a fanatic, who would lash out at people if they caused me to be late for my evening meditation. I used to view people with compassion, with love, with a sense of service. No more...
However, having said all that, my conclusion is that Kriya is of value... to the very few who have already clearly mastered what Sai Baba has said. I believe for the vast majority, his advice is sound; that liberation is best achieved by devloping Christ-like qualities (Matthew 7.21). And that Kriya is a beneficial add-on, only if you have mastered the other parts and should never sacrifice Bhakti in its place...
Anyway, my two cents.
Thanks for the article.
(Sorry you had to endure the bashing from the Yogandana followers. Their reaction, proves my point about them!!! Instead of viewing your artical with understanding, they lash out!)

8:00 PM  
Blogger jessaka said...

I would like to know your source for your claims that Yogananda teaching sex to his disciples. It isn't that I don't believe you, but I would like to know. Thanks, Withy

4:13 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

MuThink - yes, very defensive comments as opposed to debating with maturity do suggest a problem!
Because of being drawn to Babaji, I did respect and credit Yogananda for this introduction - however my Sai journey ensured a deeper understanding of spirituality and I couldn't retain any connection to Yogananda's path.

To Muthink and Withywindle - this book is invaluable in the spiritual journey and gives the true essence of Kriya yoga (where bhakti and jnana or wisdom are fundamental):
"The Voice of Babaji: A Trilogy on Kriya Yoga" - by S.A.A. Ramaiah and V.T. Neelakantan

@Withywindle - it is from this book that Babaji indicates that members of Yogananda's group had been practising tantra and also that Yogananda had not completed the mission that He (Babaji) had required of him, by leaving his physical body too soon!

6:45 PM  
Blogger jessaka said...

Thanks Muthink.

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi...When you are talking about Sai baba are you talking about Shirdi Sai Baba or Satya Sai baba of Puttaparthi....I would like to tell that if Satya Sai was really genuine then what was the need for performing miracles (like bringing gold out of his mouth)...It is a known fact that Satya Sai Baba was a fraudster...About Yogananda....if you see he has never been involved in any scandal...if he had he would have been thrown out of US just like say Osho...Come to think of it....Satya Sai baba's reputation was tarnished when he was alive...but Yogananda has no bad name against him....Just google Satya Sai baba and fraudster and likewise do the same for Yogananda...You will get all the answers...Yogananda had a different technique for self- realisation...different but effective...He never amassed money which Satya Sai baba did...Collecting donations from public and building hospitals and schools is not a big deal....

1:30 AM  
Blogger Prashant Bhandary said...

Suven...i find it almost childish when you say that Satya Sai baba is an avatar...It is crazy that when it comes to Yogananda you will probe about his details...but when it comes to Satya Sai baba...you just believe (blindly) that he is an avatar.......I can understand if you compare yogananda with say Ramana, Nisargadatta Papaji, Jiddu Krishnamurti etc...But you are comparing with Satya Sai baba...makes me laught....Suven I am not angry with you...just sympathise with you for your lack of awareness...It is not a sin to follow a fraudster blindly but then pointing fingers at other Gurus' without sufficient research is...By the way I will tell you one thing....if you were really a fan of Satya Sai baba and you are convinced that he is the greatest avatar...then Y LOOK BEYOND IT....YOU SHOULD BE ON YOUR PATH...The fact that you criticise otherr Gurus states that you are into spirituality just for time pass and not really serious enough to find the truth about yourself...

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi...When you are talking about Sai baba are you talking about Shirdi Sai Baba or Satya Sai baba of Puttaparthi....I would like to tell that if Satya Sai was really genuine then what was the need for performing miracles (like bringing gold out of his mouth)...It is a known fact that Satya Sai Baba was a fraudster...About Yogananda....if you see he has never been involved in any scandal...if he had he would have been thrown out of US just like say Osho...Come to think of it....Satya Sai baba's reputation was tarnished when he was alive...but Yogananda has no bad name against him....Just google Satya Sai baba and fraudster and likewise do the same for Yogananda...You will get all the answers...Yogananda had a different technique for self- realisation...different but effective...He never amassed money which Satya Sai baba did...Collecting donations from public and building hospitals and schools is not a big deal....

1:37 AM  
Blogger jessaka said...


Above is a website exposing Yogananda. I can't imagine that his popularity is growing day by day. This is a guru who thought that Hitler's ideas were great. By the way, having powers does not make a person self-realized, and he actually abused them at times.

As for asking for money, well, Yoganansda constantly asked Lynn for money through Durga Ma, and some of his direct disciples left him and went to the Vedanta Society complaining that he was demanding from them when they didn't have much, but a guru should never ask for money, not even though another person.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting how everyone here and elsewhere thinks that their guru is perfect, is an avatar, and like Prashant says, they don't investigate, but neither has Prashant. That is the nature of the beast. There are no perfect gurus, no avatars, just men who are charming enough to convince you that they are gods, and who in turn are corrupt. Look into Yogananda and you will find the same as you find in all of these gurus who have been exposed. SRF has just done a better job at hiding the truths.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Prashant Bhandary said...

Hi Josey/Anonymous...If you really want to prove Yogananda as wrong...bring some facts buddies...Someone mentioned Babaji quoted in some Trilogy book that Yogananda and his disciples were practising tantra etc...Was he arrested for that??? But that is no proof...You see it is also possible that inorder to accelerate the sales of their books the author would have planted these stories...And pls don't show us these blogspots..Tell me if Yogananda was convicted by any court of law or atleast the police was investigating any of these cases...Otherwise this is bullshit...About myself...I am no great fan of Yogananda...I rate Ramana Maharshi better than him...But there were some coincidences related to Kriya Yoga that happened with me. When i finished reading Autobiography of a Yogi I was wishing to learn Kriya Yoga...The very next day i saw an ad from Madabusi Subramanian teaching the kriya yoga from Shyama Lahir Charan lineage...Also i had registerd for Yogoda Satsanga Society and got courses by post...I wanted to learn the techniques personally from someone...It just happened that the ENT doctor I had gone to for some medical problem turned out to be a kriya practitioner...and he told me to meet someone who is a advanced Kriya practitioner...I met that guy...he was a celibate...living peacefully...now he didn't go door to door talking grand things about Yogananda...His house had pictures of the kriya yoga teachers including Yogananda...I could see the genuineness in his eyes...I asked him what is the difference between you and me? He said I can see myself in you....By saying all these what I want to draw is kriya yoga indeed is powerful...We need not fall in love with the Gurus..but we should be focussed in our effort to know ourselves or God..That should be our endeavour...Comparing Gurus is stupidity and waste of time...They are just mediums...Currently I am reading Bhagawad Gita by Paramhansa Yogananda...And I must say that an ordinary person can never put it the way Yogananda has put it...You can read it...Two volumes..available at 296 at flipkart...Follow your heart...follow the guru who suits you...Forget the rest of them

9:09 PM  
Blogger jessaka said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:03 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

@Prashant Bhandary - one thing that surprises me is the lack of objectivity used in disagreeing with an opinion - one can disagree with an opinion with maturity and the principles of love for those who are spiritual seekers regardless of their spiritual leanings and one can diagreee with an opinion with judgement, self-righteousnes and even disdain! If someone gives me an alternative opinion via the principles of love and wisdom etc, I may have no option but to agree with them - unfortunately Prashant there is no intellectual substance evident in your views and I can't offer any opinion other than say that you are not protraying Yogananda or any other "guru" you may respect in a good light by not displaying principles of brotherhood/sisterhood that is consistent with all the major faiths - when there is objective reasoning in your arguments then perhaps we can have a proper discussion.

@Josie - I actually think Yogananda started off with good intentions - whether that was the case by the end of his life is debatable!

1:20 AM  
Blogger Prashant Bhandary said...

Hi Suven...One has to talk to someone at the level they are...As I said earlier...I am no fan of Yogananda...But you have to assess your innate necessity to compare Gurus...When you point a finger at someone...you should have credible evidence...Otherwise it is inappropriate to accuse someone...someone who is not even there to defend himself...You have to ask yourself...what is that you want in life...If you want to know God...then you would focus on the ways to do it...By the topic you have chosen...your intention is to show Sathya SAi baba as the perfect person...rest are okay...but with deficiencies...While in reality it is the opposite...It is Sathya Sai baba who has more bad name...probably coz of increased media presence these days...You would have seen videos where he is giving vibhutis to devotees miracalously from his hand(obviously wearing a long sleeve).But still I feel if you feel drawn to him...then you should follow him...Thats about it....If he brings you peace...then why compare????

10:29 PM  
Blogger Prashant Bhandary said...


Hi Suven...it would be great if you can view this video...Just as a reference point...not a necessary conclusion and certainly debatable



4:39 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

Prashant - logically if Sathya Sai Baba is my guru then you will acknowledge that this is a personal relationsip and I would have to be an extremely weak individual to be influenced by someone that I have conversed with briefly over the internet and who is unaware of my life experieces (with the exception of what I write in my blogs) and obviously vice-versa! To have taken the time to write these blogs to share with those who are interested obviously means that this is profoundly important to me and it is surprisingly naive to think that I would alter my opinion from someone who has commented on my blog.

I am aware of the negative publicity on Sai Baba - I have also had a look at some of the stuff - in fact I have not been offended as such because I know that I have had a personal experience that that they have not had - personal experiences accounts for everything and if you are not finding any value in my articles then perhaps avoid reading them!
Hope you find the peace of your own wisdom and truth in your path!

1:20 AM  
Blogger Prashant Bhandary said...

Hi Suven...I am mightily surprised...that each time you respond to my comments...i feel you are responding to someone else.No where did i try to influence on the choice of Guru...It would be ridiculous to do so...Because you have already mentioned that you had personal experiences with Sathya SAi....I have only maintained that you should focus on the final goal of self realization through the medium/guru you have chosen...I just wanted to tell you that just as you have a connect with Sathya SAi baba...others may have a connect with say Yogananda, Osho, Ramana Maharshi etc...It is wrong to come to conclusions about someone in the first place...secondly you have not done good research on Yogananda...At one place you mentioned that he is a Kundalini practitioner who emphasises on scientific meditation devoid of any love...If you read his books(i have read)...every word is draped in the love for the Lord...He only emphasises Kriya Yoga because ordinary people find it difficult to get rid of their samskaras...Kriya Yoga technique helps them to silence their mind and go further...So as you see Kriya Yoga is an add on to the love for God...Another thing worth pointing out is Sri Yukteswar Giri(guru of Yogananda) has pointed out in his book The Holy science(which he wrote at the behest of Babaji) that Babaji will send someone to earth to spread the teachings to the west and Yukteswar believed that Yogananda was that boy...So if Yogananda had failed so did all his predecessors including Babaji. Also your point that Yogananda left much before his time...is debatable to me...Because his disciples have mentioned that in his last days he gave hints that his time on earth has come to an end....His end was also voluntary. Also it is on record that for 21 days that his body was displayed it was as fresh as it was when he died.Sathya Sai Baba had a sudden end and he had predicted a longer stay....All this I am doing not to demean anyone but just to defend Yogananda and his teachings...Hope I don't sound very arrogant in doing so....I would like to wish you all the best...You have had personal experiences...I had none to be frank...so you are way ahead of me atleast in the spiritual path...So there would be many things I can learn from you...Thanks Suven

8:28 PM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

@Prashant, Osho and any other self-proclaimed "gurus" who are critical of Sai Baba will obviously not claim any respect from me! I look to the information from Neelankantan in the book "A trilogy on Kriya yoga" regarding views on Yogananda as this more in line with my own journey.

Also you are expecting a great deal of time from me from a general comments section and some of these questions would be advised to be sent to my email where I can reflect on them more as well as find out more about you and what motivates you!

As for self-realisation, the relationship with God is a personal business even among families and I tend not to worry about critisms of my path or my Sat-Guru as He can take care of Himself as well as me and those who have put their faith in Him - although it does get tedious attempting to explain my views if there are differences of opinion in what is right or wrong in a spiritual path - if this is of particular concern to you, then you are welcome to email me.

The "gurus" out there can take care of themselves if they are truly realised - otherwise the rest of society are just attempting to make the best of their lives and the basic philosophy to not be offensive to God is "treat another as you yourself would like to be treated" and be engaged in humanitarian works if you have the means - the true examples of spiritual souls regardless of religion are Mandela and those that aim to free all from oppression - this must the emphasis ahead of meditation etc in each of the disciplines!

My email is available on my blog.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both Parahamsa Yogananda and Sathya Sai Baba are fake.

7:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...




4:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My personal experience with Sai Baba is that he is a bully, satanist, murderer, proven fraud, quack magician, and it is no surprise that one believing in him as a sat-guru would also have doubts about Paramahansa Yogananda.

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Khalsa said...

“Enough of that foolishness! God Himself is now incarnate on Earth, in South India. His name is Sai Baba. When I leave you are going to live with Him.” (His prediction proved correct; after Yogananda’s death, that devotee spent the rest of her life at Sai Baba’s ashram.)''

You derived these quotes from Sai Baba's very own propaganda. This is very much so a man who has been proven to trick people with slight of hand in front of their faces, preform "so-called" miracles openly for fame, and outright lies by falsifying information to boost his public persona. Stop living in fear, You Tube videos have even proven his lies. No better than a cheesy stage magician. This is one who has sold his soul to satan, as has every MAJOR musician in hollywood..as well as actors/actresses.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Khalsa said...

I think it is also interesting that so many speak of yogananda and claim his blessings, but yoganada rarely speaks of others, and never in a negative fashion. He knows only the individual can stand between themselves and god. If you can be captivated then you shall be. This is a learning process by the grace of god, and it is the intensity of our purity that will determine our passion for god.

I am finished, god bless you all.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

@Khalsa - one thing that must be noted is that true devotees of Sai Baba, RamanaMaharshi including the great masters of the other religious sects such as Jesus and the Prophet Mohammed as well as the Dalai Lama who is the contemporary spiritual authority for Buddhism is that there is no criticism of those who may find fault with them - the true followers also do not give in to sensitivity but go about their spiritual activites with a sense of humility and respect for humanity which provide non-believers with a sense of what the faith entails!!

I have said this previously and I reiterate that it may very well be the followers of Yogananda who give him a particularly bad name by claiming him to be compassionate but displaying none of that proverbial compassion themselves as they seem to be overtly sensitive to the point of being insulting and if these are the kind of followers that Yogananda encourages then I have lost that much more respect for him - it is truly bizarre that so many who are followers of Yogananda fail to display the basic respect for individuals that they themselves are insisting for themselves etc.

Individuals are welcome to comment on my blog only if they understand how to interact respectfully and objectively!!

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I first read about yogananda in my teenage years before the popularity of internet cafes and access to so much information,at that time I accepted every thing in the book hook line and sinker.Today I am much more cautious about what I believe and after reading articles like these,some which are almost hidden away on the net,I see many yogies and so called god men for what they really are,imposters perhaps having developed some type of mental control and trickery or basic psychic powers,non the less were it not for the USA they would probably have lived all their lives in an old building,or cave,certainly minus the luxuries that the west offered.It suprises me that we of the west cant seem to realize that these mystics arent coming to spread realization but to get rich.Look what happens when they die,their followers are thrown in a state of hopelessness,or start fighting over assets or forming new groups.
No one is completely bad ,and perhaps yoganand had his good points but he wasnt a god,nor a saint and I dont believe he was self realized either.Having said that it makes me wonder about many other souls reffered to as master or enlightened,were they really such or were they deluded,either way people tend to follow blindly.


1:35 PM  
Blogger Ananya said...


When you go to heaven and meet both Yogananda and Sathya Sai baba in one entity, it is that time that you will drop this comparitive study that you have undertaken. Not before that. While you can, do enjoy it.

This silly fight about who is superior and who is not, is just that - a silly fight. Both the personalities concerned are divine sparks that have taken human form for the self-realisation of humanity, and all other ponderings are absolutely un-necessary. While you strive to put down my beloved Yogananda every time, it is Sathya Sai baba who has to clean up after you, by bending down and giving a hand to his beloved yogananda, whom you so carelessly trash.

Your post reads out like the constant strife between the vaishnavites and the shaivites who are always fighting over their lords being the supreme. While both Vishnu and Shiva sitting in each other's eternal embrace, look down upon the foolishness of their own devotees and roll their eyes up their heads. :-PPP

much love, light and laughter,

2:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for that ;) . I now understand Yogananda, Vishwananda, Nithyananda, Mother Meera, Amma and Sathya Sai Baba are fake. Only Jesus and BABAJi are the real deal. As for the "we are all one" issue that some replies bought in It's true... But I can assure you the ones I mentioned first have not yet really realized yet so you won't be meeting them anytime soon in Unity :)

1:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was initiated into Kriya Yoga about 18 months ago. When you look at spirtual practice in general within all faith's there are what I call connective mechanism's. So a breaking down of the ego self to reveal our true self is a worthy goal and there are many practices that do this. I think you are missing what Kriya is actually about, the very process of bringing that Kundalini energy up through the crown Chakra and around the body moves beyond ego to reveal your true nature. In a sense you no longer seek the connective mechanism's to break the ego'influence because it's influence is gone, and thus one can can be guided by your true self, bringing about God's work, for you and others and to know this, feel this and experinece this is an immense Joy.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry the above post at 4,38pm is from Ben, how rude of me :)

4:45 PM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

For those of you who are sensitive to anyone desiring making an informed judgement in their spiritual journey what is your view of atheists or agnostics who still show compassion to children, animals and humanity at large any do a great deal of charity or have you already damned them as unGodly unlike yourselves because as far as I am concerned they show far more spirituality than those of you who claim to be spiritual yet seem to spend more time being critical than helping a suffering world.

5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suven & others, Thank you all for your comments. Although they are not all in agreement, know that one seeking knowledge found them informative, passionately stated, & thought provoking. My newfound dedication to yoga has driven me to seek out 'answers' and broaden my limited knowledge about God and our purpose here. Suven, your Blog has drawn together many passionate people/comments. Thank you all for not merely stating opinions, but backing them up with explanations. I've found reading them very helpful.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Chuck said...

The bottom line message from gurus/avatars/ you name it, is to connect to our own Divinity which is inside us. And live from there. Which is to live with love, compassion, joy, peace etc. Thats the central thing.
And yes there are some various tools available from various gurus which they teach to accomplish that - like different meditations, other practices, affirmations, prayers etc.
We have our own personal preference just like when we go to a buffet to eat, not everyone like the same dish. In the same manner certain gurus and tools resonate better with us.
The gurus are mostly/always connected to that Source Energy and Divine spirit but remember they are in human form and sometimes on rare occasion they can falter to that duality too.

As long as we are achieving and/or constantly striving to connect to our Source and Divine-ness which is already within us, and living a joyful/passionate/ peaceful/ exciting/compassionate life then we are doing good. Thats the whole purpose of their teachings. Everything else does not matter much.
Love and light!

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well but what about Sai Baba himself drowning in the mists of sexual abuse controversies , how can any of these teachers be legit in their opinions when their own waters are smeared with dirt

3:10 PM  
Anonymous sat said...

This discussion is pointless. If you like your guru, follow him or her and dont indulge in controversial talk.

10:12 AM  
Blogger it's training? said...

Dear sat. It sounds as though you are saying that questioning and analyzing are somehow self indulgent.

11:54 AM  
Blogger The Yogi said...

Suven, if your idea in writing this article was to gain attention and viewership then you have done admirably well.
But as Sai devotee is am sorry to say you have haven't put forward His name in a good light by audaciously judging and labelling a Master who you have no understanding of. For to understand a Master you need to be one yourself..

You write that you have certain views of what the path of Self realisation constitutes and because you dont find those elements in Yoganandas teachings hence He is not a Yogi. Gosh who do you think you are?

Also I challenge you to prove to me where Swami has said about Kriya and ego. The quote of Yoganandaji speaking about Swami is also totally unfounded. I know it to be untrue because Swami Himself put me on the path of Kriya even intervening on my behalf to my family who did not want me to join the path.
I just read some silly remarks that some devotees of another path made about Swami.. and here we are that Swamis own are doing the same..

Why don't you just focus on what Swami has asked you to do.. what business do you have judging others.. You are but a spoon trying to measure the ocean. This is sad..

10:12 AM  
Blogger The Yogi said...

People seeking Kriya are motivated by ego, does not speak ill of the Kriya path itself but of the intent of the people seeking it. I know for a fact that swami told a brother Disciple that Kriya was the highest act a human can do.
Kriya is a generic word and there are many other people who label their methods as Kriya after AoY became popular. These are the same people who claim association with Babaji as mentioned in the AOY and then go around criticising Sri Yoganandas methods.

When does this stop? Why don't people realise that spirituality is and always will be an inward path. Outwardly pointing fingers is just a demonstration of how huge your own ego is!

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a pitty the lack of knownledge of this author who professes things about Yogananda and his teachings that obviously she did not is aware of. I feel pitty indeed that she believes Sai Baba is an avatar or any kind of a saint. It's been worldwide spread the horrible sexual activities of Sai Baba and the harassment he has inflicted on many souls pretending to be a guru. How can anyone think that a man like that can say he is an avatar? I feel pitty for you. It's disgusting the widepread stories of his demoniac behaviour and I really think that you should reform your mind and try to respect all real teachers that brought only good to their followers. No one has ever heard of any wrong behaviour toward any of his followers from Yogandanda. I do not know if you are aware, but Vishwananda is a pupil of Sai Baba, also engaging in sexual scandals that he must have learned with this "avatar"

Really sorry and hope you will one day discover your truth

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Genital 'oiling' of young males by Sathya Sai Baba: Many Western devotees believe that Sathya Sai needs to rub naked genitals vigorously and voluptuously to kiss young men and boys so as to raise theirkundalini (i.e 'dormant sexual-spiritual energies')! This is a travesty of so-called 'kundalini yoga', which has long been widely practiced in India and requires absolutely no 'massaging' of genitalia or kissing. Meanwhile devotees proudly claim and believe that Sathya Sai Baba never touches females. Others known to me who are thought to be 'very important persons' in Sai circles (only) still privately defend Sathya Sai Baba's sexual abuse as 'healing' or- more ridiculously - as the repayment/working off of 'terrible past karma', which they see as a great boon for his victims to get! These views, intended to exonerate Sathya Sai Baba from any blame as a sexual molester and pederast, have been published on the internet by someone calling himself Ram Das Awle and are circulated widely among those very puzzled among the blindly faithful who are nonetheless aware that the sexual allegations have real substance. The belief that whatever Sathya Sai Baba does to a person is for his own good, is held by many followers and expressed openly by some! This would include the anal rape of underage boys, as reported by Dr. Naresh Bhatia who described carrying out a medical examination of a young Sai student who he said he found had been raped by Sathya Sai Baba. Sai followers therefore view the great mass of mankind to be misguided that this is a bad thing, since they are defending as 'divine' a low form of depravity.
The fantasies engendered by Sathya Sai Baba's claims easily turn black into white. Both values and facts become gradually more and more distorted by devotees who have got caught up in Sathya Sai Baba's catch-22, pick-and-choose menu of teachings by his powerful manipulations of their desires and dreams, his flattery, primadonna behaviour, great chutzpa, and his all-embracing megalomaniacal claims and pretensions etc.
The many and detailed descriptions by former male devotees of Sathya Sai Baba's various homosexual advances and behaviour towards them, the series of good-looking young European men who have gone through the Sathya Sai Baba 'centre of attention' experience are almost self-explanatory. I say only 'almost' because a number of defendants of Sathya Sai Baba in the Sathya Sai Organization are conducting a damage-limitation misinformation campaign, not least because some of the leaders have admitted in public that they know that Sathya Sai Baba 'anoints' young men's genitals in secret and afterwards warns them to tell no one about it. One leader - Thorbjørn Meyer - has carefully described this unasked for genital manipulation an "age old Indian oil ceremony", without being able to produce even a fragment of documentation for this from Indian scripture or reliable historical sources. Even if he had, it would surely just amount to a primitive and perverted superstition. Another word for 'anoints' could well be 'interferes physically with' or 'sexually molests' young men's genitals. There are yet other verbal alternatives. Such an act is more likely a testing of sexual availability or a prelude to seduction, such as are described in sexual psychopathological works. As soon as we confront these matters from the viewpoint of a propaganda-free, normally non-prejudiced standpoint, they take on a fairly easily understood character.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Major abuse testimonies world-wide by young men and their relatives: Sharon Purcell was a devotee for 32 years and together with Elsie and Walter Cowan, Fritz and Victoria Ellis and her then husband, Gary, started the first official Southern California Center in the hilltop home of Elsie and Walter in the Cowan Heights section of Tustin , California. Sharon and Gary Purcell were told by Sathya Sai Baba to name their child Sathya, which they did. In 1993 Sathya Purcell went to India with Hal Honig's group of boys. One week later, Sharon followed her son to India with her friend, Jill, where they had an interview with Sathya Sai Baba. Later, Sharon reported to others, including a long term office-bearer, Glen Meloy, that Sathya Sai Baba had molested 3 of Sathya's friends in private interviews which caused him to tell her that he no longer believed in Sai Baba. One of the boys in his group, whose genitals were oiled by Sai Baba, was Josh Kintz, son of Mahri and Bruce Kintz, long term members of the former Cherry Valley , California Center under the leadership of the late Joy Thomas and now currently active members of the Hemet , California Center. A third boy was also molested in this way. Sharon Purcell also knew Mark Roche well, who has courageously and wholly convincingly testified on the BBC documentary 'Secret Swami' to Sai Baba having tried to gratify his desire for oral sex with him in 1976 when Mark was a young man and believed him to be the God Avatar, as all the others in the group did, including Dr. J. Hislop and Mr. & Mrs. Cowan. Since then I resumed contact with Mark Roche, who my wife and I knew very well during a long stay near Bangalore and Kodiakanal in 1994, and there can be no doubt whatever to my mind that he is telling the truth, not least for the sake of helping those those who are defenseless victims of Sai Baba's sexual proclivities.

Sharon , a founder member of the Sai Organisation in California , knew some of those had been forced into sex by Sai Baba and, discovering this 'incredible' fact, left him and his organisation well before the internet revelations took place and she contributed to them via Glen Meloy. Would a person who had devoted her time, energy and become so deeply involved take such a step for no reason? She is just one example of over 100 unselfish persons working for the good of all as other ex-office-bearers in the Sai Organisation who have done the same. Her son, Sathya 'Satch' Purcell later gave a detailed account of his experiences in six parts, beginning at this link.

The results of their inquiries in various countries were first seen on BBC Channel Two on June 17th, 2004 . The only direct statement that Sathya Sai Baba made was "Swami is pure"! and that was a private assurance to the top leader of the international Sai movement, Dr. M. Goldstein, who has gone on record reporting it. He accepted it at face value without any further questions, explanations or investigations. Thereafter he returned unopened all mail from all former leaders in the US Organisation who tried to contact him making complaints of sexual abuse. In the BBC documentary 'Secret Swami' Goldstein tells that Sai Baba told him that if he wanted to fight "gutter people", he would have to go into the gutter, so he should forget it. Goldstein claimed that he is a knower of human nature and tried to intimidate the young lady interviewer by vehement finger-shaking and a forceful attitude. He said that he is a doctor: "I am a consummate professional", and claimed he can tell infallibly by looking at young men whether they have been sexually abused! Viewers judged that he came across as an authoritarian ego-inflated 'doctor from hell' with raw conceit and aggression seldom seen even on TV (for it was filmed with a hidden camera so he would show his true nature). He is the Number One rich and powerful mover and shaker of the Sai Organisation, which also speaks volumes about its despotic internal nature.

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An entirely undisputed and shockingly clear account of major sexual abuse by Sai Baba was made on film, firstly on 'Seduced by Sai Baba' (Denmark 2002) and secondly in 'Secret Swami' by the BBC (June 2004). The young man, who was underage at the time, is Alaya Rahm, son of Al Rahm, who provides support and his side of the episode. He and his family tell most convincingly of his ordeals at the threatening hands of Sai Baba. The despicable actions of Goldstein are documented beyond all doubt on screen. This documentary amounts to a transparently damning indictment of Sathya Sai Baba as a fraud, a suspected murder accomplice and a homosexual abuser. Their experiences and findings were fully in accord with those of the Danish documentary of 2002.

This footage shows the deceitful and conceited totalitarian and fanatical nature of Dr. Michael Goldstein, which is shared by many leaders in the Sai Organisation. The following is an excerpt from the Danish documentary:
In 1989 when I was 15 years old I went to India for three weeks. And on that trip I had four interviews. And in the third interview he actually asked me to untie my pants. And he forcibly pulled my pants down and with his bare hand grabbed my groin and rubbed some oil on the side of my scrotum. And I went again on the following year, and on that trip when I was 16 years old, SB called me again for a private interview. At that point I was even actually more uncomfortable because it seemed like this had already taken place, there is no reason why it needed to take place again.
...he waved his hand and turned it over and showed me some oil. And he started to rub it on my testicles and started kissing me. And as he was kissing me, he started kissing me deeply, you know. And I started tensing up and, you know, not understanding what was happening. But it seemed to me as if SB was trying to make my penis erect.
"One time he had his robe almost completely off and he tried to have anal sex with me, because he came from behind me and started climbing up on top of me, you know, and being that I'm so much taller than him, in order to keep prevent it from happening, I just stood straight up and didn't allow him to do anything, you know, and I kind of kept pushing him away and keep him there until ??... I know, I want to talk to you, I want to be with you and I love you. He said, "You don't love me? You don't love me?" And I would say, "No, I love you, but I just don't want to have sexual relations with you."

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... But every time we would go back into the personal room, his wants got to be very intimate. And he was constantly having me take out my penis and he would hold it, sometimes put it in his mouth and look at me, and then ask me to do the same thing or push my head down and lift his robe up. And I was gagging and almost about to vomit. And, you know, that was probably the most mentally break down type of thing I've ever done in my life, because if I didn't feel like at that time, like my life or my family's happiness or … was depending on it, I wouldn't have done it. But my mentality at that time … I felt like it was a life or almost death situation. You know, this was God in human form, but that was my mental program - this is God in human form. How could I deny him what he was trying to make me do? There must be some deeper reason or deeper meaning that what I see."
What really helped me was when I had some conversations with some other people who had had similar experiences. Because I felt, that if they had had experiences as intense, or close to as intense as mine, I could talk to them about it more openly than I could talk to my dad. So we had talked about it, and all the people that I had talked about it were equally confused about it as I was. However, also equally brainwashed and allowing it to continue to take place. So I would say that finally I decided that I was not going to put myself into that position again, because life without SB was going to be a better life." See full transcript of the whole interview.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timothy Conway Ph.D. - Follower for 22 years, President of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of San Francisco from 1982-4 wrote and posted the following:
"We now have trustworthy reports from over two dozen credible eye-witnesses (and sworn affidavits from many of them) indicating that probably hundreds of young men and boys have been molested (far beyond "touching the perineum") and/or forced to perform oral sex and masturbation on Baba over the last 30 years or more. Baba has masturbated them and sometimes performed oral sex on them, sometimes to the point of ejaculation.
Baba has threatened to deny interviews to many of the boys' parents if the boys resist his sexual predatory behavior. He has paid or bribed most of these male youth for sexual favors and for their silence with money, rings, watches, etc.-- up to $10,000 for one boy (an American youth well known to several former members of our Santa Barbara Sai Center). Baba has also evidently gotten angry at and berated those male youth who try to resist his molestations or who fail to become aroused when Baba is molesting them. He verbally manipulates and coerces them to engage in sex with him.
It's clear that Baba is not "detachedly" "raising the kundalini" or "healing old sexual karma" of these male youth. (If this were the true reason, why is he denying young women and girls, older men and non-preferred younger men this "healing touch"?) Rather, Baba appears to be caught up in terrible lust and attachment: eyewitnesses describe him making "moaning" and "gurgling" sounds, thrusting his pelvis and erect organ toward the boys and young men, grabbing them when they try to move away, trying to persuade them how "lucky" they are to be having this "great opportunity." See full letter

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many very serious allegations of sexual misconduct - including extreme sorts - have been made openly and in public by a number of named persons. There are over score of detailed accounts of molestations to be found on the web which are credible and have mostly been checked by those ex-devotees who, like myself, have investigated this issue as fully as we could for years. In the following one reads short excerpts of key statements from web postings on several sites.
Several more accounts from around the world alleging sexual molestations by Sai Baba have - in addition to some of those detailed here - been formally signed as depositions or affidavits and are securely in the keeping of a professional person who is willing to be contacted ( such as via this website) for further validation by formal authorities and international bodies, lawyers and serious media persons.
Afshin Khorramshahgol (Iranian) - I travelled to India three times, from 1991 to 1993. On my first visit to IndiaI was already a devotee of Sai Baba and believed he was God.
I had a total of seven private interviews in the first two trips. In the first private interview Sai Baba asked me to undo my pants and drop my underwear.
Since I believed he was God I did as he asked. He had already ‘materialised’ oil and he applied it in the area between my penis and anus. In every private interview after the ‘initiation’ private interview, Sai Baba asked me to drop my pants and underwear, and he would rub my penis. Once he was rubbing it so hard it was obvious to me that he wanted me to get an erection. I was busy talking to him about my problems, the problems of my country Iran , and my family’s problems, and I was asking him for his blessing for all of them.
I was not interested in sex or anything, especially with a guy, and so my penis did not grow, now matter how hard Sai Baba tried. Finally, he gave up and threw my penis up and turned away with a very angry face and mumbled something. When he turned back to me, he told me to put my pants on again and the private interview was over.
You may ask why I didn’t stop Sai Baba doing what he was doing if it was so obvious to me that he wanted me to get an erection. Due to my being brainwashed... (etc.) See posting of the document.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jens Sethi (German) - On 20th January 1996 I got the second interview. Already days before, he had established a strange eye-contact with me indicating the coming interview. My wife and I went to the interview and he acted very disappointed at seeing me together with my wife. He took me alone into the interview room and said “She is diseased and much older than you. Please separate from her”. I was really shocked and replied “She is attached to me”.
I asked him to give her some spiritual instruction, which he readily agreed to do, but he had something else on his mind.
Without asking permission he started kissing me on my lips for some time, and later asked me to open my trousers and ‘materialised’ some oil which he rubbed on the skin above my genitals. I felt very bad about all of this, but accepted, as I fully trusted Sai Baba.
Then he took my wife into the private interview room alone, and told her “Either you separate from the boy or I throw you out of Puttaparthi!”. He appeared wild and furious (my wife told me afterwards) and she shivered all over. When she reappeared in a very short time, looking red faced and very scared, nobody dared ask her what happened in there.
He saw me again some days later in darshan and asked whether I had separated or not. I said “Not yet”. He turned away and shouted so all people could hear “Bad, Bad boy!!!” He was so aggressive and seemed to radiate such an aura of evil that I was really shocked. We immediately left and went to north India for some pilgrimage.
When Jens and his wife returned to try to clear up the matter with Sai baba somehow, his passport was confiscated by a Mr. Reddu of the ashram authority:
On 30th October, late in the evening, two people whom I know and an unknown person came to our unit and one of them warned me that my life was in danger and I should leave immediately.
My wife and I left very early next morning, for Delhi . At Dharmmavaram rail station the police were searching for us, but we entered the train at Anantapur. There is a police station near the platform which we had to pass to enter the train, and the very moment I saw that I told my wife to go into the train separately. My wife heard a group of policemen talking about searching for somebody and caught the words ‘passport, Delhi and telegram’. We were in serious danger but fortunately I was dressed like an Indian, and escaped identification.
So we escaped and reached Delhi , and went immediately to the German Embassy. See posting of the full document with scan of the article in 'Bild', 21st August, 2000 p.3.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jed Geyerhahn - US citizen. (see brief video clip from the film Seduced with Jed and also Alaya Rahm - 2mbs): I have talked with students at Sathya Sai Baba's school and they have had sexual relationships with Sai Baba. And it's really common knowledge that several students stay with Sai Baba all night on an ongoing basis. And of course nobody talks about what takes place with these students with Sai Baba, but from the students I've talked to (it's) clear that there are sexual relationships taking place. And in fact one student I talked to directly was a person that was staying with Sai Baba. And from the conversation it was clear that it was very difficult for him to come forward with this information, because he'd be rejected by his family and by his culture and by his people, unlike American students who have the support of their culture and society and family. They come forward and talk about the fact that they have been mistreated by Sai Baba.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 15-year old boy, Neptune Chapotin, wrote a diary (facsimile of the letter can be seen here)
1st interview: "Oil," he said. "Open." (He started lifting my shirt; I lifted it up, thinking he wanted to rub it on my navel. Then, with his left hand, [his right was full of oil.] he motioned downwards with his fingers. I understood. I untied my pants. He lifted my penis, put his fingers at the base of it, and started rubbing the oil into me. It didn't hurt, but he was making a motion as if he was pinching me there repeatedly with his fingers. He stopped, and waved his hand again. I guess he made some more oil. He resumed rubbing. With his other hand, he drew me close. He rubbed some more, and drew me closer. I could hear him murmuring some things, so I turned my ear towards him so I could catch what he was saying. He again pulled me tighter towards him this time by the waist, until my crotch was right by the side of his leg, and our chests were almost touching. I had my chin on his right shoulder both arms around him, his hair touching the side of my face, the front of my pants down. It was so bizarre. I could now feel him pulling the base of my penis back and forth. It felt kind of good. He finally let me go, and I pulled my pants up.) (He looked at me and said: ) "Don't tell anyone. Don't tell Mother.

2nd interview: He took Papa into the private room for a minute or so, then called me. Papa left. As soon as we got inside, he pulled me close, gave me a big hug, and started untying my pants. He dropped them to the ground, then pulled my underwear below my butt. He grabbed my penis, and while hugging me again, started masturbating the base of it. He kept repeating "Purification. Purification." I felt his other fingers grip around my crack and pull me closer, uptight. I held him tight in return. He turned his right cheek to me, I kissed it, with his prompting. He turned his mouth towards me, I gave him my cheek. He turned my head and kissed me on the mouth for a long time. When h stopped, I started to pull up my pants. He made sure my shirt didn't get stuck in the knot, and straightened me out. He kept telling me: "This is good chance; good chance; look, there are so many people outside. They all want to be here. It's your good luck." "Sometimes you are wasting money. Sometimes mother doesn't give. There's no income." (He waved his hand and out popped six 500 rupee bills. He counted them [Rs. 3000]) "For food. Spend it. keep it inside. Inside! (I put it in my wallet.) Don't tell anyone!" even Mother? "Mother you can tell." And father? "not father."

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keith Ord (British) - His written testimony is about his English friend Michael who had between 10 and 15 interviews with Sai Baba, but was not his usual self and was holding things back, until eventually, wrote Keith...
Michael said, "that every day he attended darshan, Baba called him for an interview. And that after a while, he just refused to go."
Keith "Don't you realise that people follow Baba round for ten years without ever being invited for one interview?" His reply turned me to stone : "Because he wanted to have sex with me. Every interview I had with him was the same. All he wants is sex." There was a kind of stunned silence in the room for a long time; I was trying to digest what I had heard, wondering what it could mean...
Of his own experiences in the ashram, Keith wrote that he talked with several other young men: "One was an English boy named Kestrel Boyle and the other an Australian called Edward --- I can't remember his surname because he was born of Bangladesh parents in Australia and 4 was a rather difficult name. I didn't really know what to tell them, or even if I should tell them, so instead asked them if Baba had ever done strange things to them in their private interviews. Edward replied immediately, and in such matter of fact tones that it surprised me into silence. He said "What, you mean playing with your dick? Oh don't worry about that, he's done that to me loads of times. It doesn't mean anything bad - I actually like it, and think it's good for me.' Kestrel basically said the same kind of thing, so I didn't dare say any more, but I wondered what else Baba had done with them."

Conclusion: January 1990 - 'Islington Gazette' carried the coroner's report on Michael's death, but didn't find anything suspicious - listing it simply as a suicide. See posting of the full document.

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of Keith Ord at the time was Bas Engelbarts, who remained a follower for years afterwards, having not fully taken in the seriousness of th abuses that Keith reported. Bas Engelbarts has delivered another damning testimony about Sathya Sai Baba in which he writes about an interview he attended: "entered, made a left turn to go and sit against the wall, away from his chair. He suddenly turned around and said “No, no, you come”. He took me by the hand as he walked towards his chair. He held my hand while sitting down and placed his right foot exactly on my penis and pushed me down, all the while keeping his foot there, till I was sitting. He held my hand, stroked my arm, ran his fingers through my hair, pulled my nose and my cheeks. I wasn’t shocked, but I knew it was not an accident, that he placed his foot there. So this was going through my mind and also I felt awkward and embarrassed sitting there at his feet, him caressing me, while others were sitting at least 2 meters from him. He was treating me like a father, wasn’t he?" He concluded, much later, that Sai Baba is far from being a father! He then goes on to relate about Keith Ord and much more - see here
Koert van de Velde posted: "The following is an excerpt from a long article (Published in Spiegelbeeld October issue 2000) by Matthijs van der Meer, Holland . Matthijs considered himself a victim of Sai Baba's inappropriete sexual approaches seven years ago, and (since) left the Organization." Nobody wanted to listen, but now we have the internet and I am no longer alone...Boys and men from the ages of seven and thirty, if they look handsome, could count on "special attention" from Sai Baba.He is very fond of light colored skin and blue eyes". Van der Meer understands why many adults were molested by this men."In my way of feeling I had no choice (in the matter). How could I choose not to follow God?", he wrote in the New Age Magazine "Spiegelbeeld" (The Mirror Picture)"
"...so I came to remind myself of a story in the Dutch magazine HP/De Tijd of January '92: the story of the London Keith Ord who declared Sai Baba had repeatedly sexually intimidated him.

As it turned out when I finally brought myself into contact with the people interviewed in the article, one of these devotees had been Keith's friend Michael Pender. Within one-and-half month after a journey to Baba and 10 interviews, he had committed suicide.
In June '95 I visited Keith. He turned out to be an exceptionally beautiful negro boy. We talked and talked and I made recordings on cassettes. >From one detail to the other Keith related what he had gone through at the time. About the vilification by devotees after he had finally opened his mouth while still being there. About a moment at which he found himself being threatened to be stoned to the ground. About the initial envy for the interviews he got. About Baba’s hugs and touches. About the despair, the loneliness, the fear... And finally, in more detail, about Baba’s striking signs of excitement. Worst of all possibly was the fact that while after the first palpations Keith was pulling up his trousers, Baba, putting a finger to his lips, had summoned him "Don’t talk!"

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Indian ex-Sai student whose credentials were checked by the BBC and who gave them an interview on film, but who must remain anonymous for family reasons, originally wrote:- "At the time, i was 17 years old, i am now 32 years old, have been married and recently widowed. My wife knew of my former faith with sai baba, but she never knew of this abusive experience. Some of my family members know the truth now (they are sympathetic to me and want me to get help). The shame i felt was very bad. I grew up in the bal vikas program from the age of 10 years old, in the UK. i knew many sai devotees including Dr Ghadia who travels the UK AND US (where i am now located). I did not begin to speak out until i realised a few years ago that i am not the only person he has abused. He is a menace to teenage boys who are to afraid and ashamed to speak up. Peer pressure from my family made me shut up at the time , but i am an adult now and i can speak the truth. As what to do about it i dont know, if he were here in the US he would have been prosecuted and convicted long ago.He is a pedophile who blankets himself with the reputation of a god/living saint drawing people to him through his "miracles", and speeches."

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hans de Kraker ( Holland ) wrote: During these four years of travels to India , Sai Baba would perform a certain ritual each time he would call me in for a private audience or interview. He would ask me to take down my pants. He would than "oint" my umbilical area; testicles and penis with oil which he "materialised". After this ritual he would ask me to pull up my pants and tidy them up.
During one of the last visits, there was a young guy who had travelled with us from Italy He had not been to India before. He accompanied his girlfriend and her father, who was part of the group.

Sai Baba called in this particular young man a few days later by him self. He came to me fairly shortly after and was quite shocked (like most people were, all for their own different reasons).

"Swami hugged me, and then kissed me, on the lips and tried engage me by probing my mouth with his tongue". When I heard I was very shocked. This young boy (18/19) was quite confused and asked me what I thought of it. He had thought of Kundalini and that it was to "balance his energy". I did not know. I told him that that could be the case but that I did not know. We both talked about it for some more time. I told him about the ritual that I had been going through over the past years and this was maybe something in that line..."

"... While leaning over to get something from a lower shelf in the closet, when rising he pointed at his cheek, indicating that he wanted me to kiss him. I did so, very surprised and kind of suspicious. I come from a country though where man and women irrespective of sex, kiss each other on the cheek three times. So after my first suspicion, relativised everything back to normal (I am still amazed today, how far ones mind can go!)
So back to that moment where he asked me to come closer. He then hugs me ( I am on my knees and he is seated on his chair-there are no people present). He now turns his face and puts his lips on mine; my head his spinning and my mind is running at 500 kilometres per hour. I don't know what to do! My mouth tightens up, and I feel extremely uncomfortable and confused with this "perceived incarnation of GOD on earth trying to kiss me on and in my mouth!! Sai Baba slaps me on my cheek and says "Loosen up!!! With other people not OK with Sai Baba OK " I am even more uncomfortable now and feel disgusted at the same time.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sai Baba realised his and my predicament and decides not to continue. He now tells me again that he will give me everything and stands up and tells me to do padnamnamaskaar. As I go on my knees, and touch his feet with my forehead, he pulls up my arms and indicates he wants his calf muscles massaged. Although very uncomfortable with everything that had happened I still continued to listen to him. Many people knew how he liked having his calve muscles massaged and I had seen respectable men and women of all walks of life do the same thing....he now takes my head and pushes it quite firmly into his groin...he then pulls up my arms and asks me to go higher and higher and higher...NOW I AM HOLDING HIS BUTTOCKS AND WONDER WHAT THE HELL MY DIVINE MASTER IS ASKING ME TO DO!!! Fuse!!! Crash! I let go my arms and now I am even more shell shocked...he pulls up his dress, presents me his half-erect penis and invites me to take up my "Good Luck Chance": "This is your Good Luck Chance" I am now on my knees facing his erect penis, being asked to perform oral sex. He stands there, and I think: AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS? COULD I DO THIS?
I then instinctively stretch out my right arm and put it on the part of his chest which hides his heart and say: "I don't want this Swami, I want your heart". He now drops his dress and tells me: "Yes yes yes of course you have my heart" He now asks me to take my pants down, "discovers" my penis is not erect and tells me that that is how it is supposed to be! "Swami is inside there see, Swami is inside there." Hell NO! That is Mine and Mine! And you are certainly not in there! I thought. He asks me to do Padnamnamaskaar again and again he pulls up his dress "This is your second Good Luck Chance" he said."

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From: John Purnell (June 9th 2006 – 01:50:54)
IP: (CPE-58-167-245-154.wa.bigpond.net.au)
Subject: (Guestbook Submission)
To: SaiSathyaSai.com Guestbook
I would love a response from you to my question……I was a devotee for 7 years and had many private interviews with sai baba….. in the last couple he tried to masterbate me vigorously with oil, then please explain as to why he showed me clearly his erect penis and why the hell did he try to shove it in my mouth complaining that I no longer LOVE him ??? Not to mention forcing me onto the ground of the private interview room and telling me he is God and that all is ok, Trying to shove his erection into my anus ??? Of course I was shattered after all this even to the point of suicide, like many of his REAL VICTIMS I thought he was God…Miracles….. just watch his hands at all times then you will see it is so obvious. My story is the TRUTH that you devotees always claim is paramount…..I am not the only victim hundreds upon hundreds are now telling the TRUTH…..If you can explain why God would want me to perform oral sex on him and WHY the hell God would want to penetrate my anus then PLEASE do email me with your response….I am waiting !!!!!! Look sadly the truth is Baba is a great scam like Rajneesh and ALL Indian God men ….. Look deep beyond the SHOW exterior and all you see is rotten to the core.
LONG LIVE TRUTH because TRUTH will never fail in the end…..My dear dear devotees I know the pain that is in store for you…….be prepared as Baba will fall off his throne oneday and sadly you will be shattered by the TRUTH. You ARE in my prayers.
John Purnell

In a further e-mail clarification of his position (to a questioner – see here) and why he had not fought off Sathya Sai Baba when being abused and why he held back with the full details of the abuses, Purnell gave an account which all investigators of sexual abuse will recognise as very common behaviour in such awkward and demeaning circumstances:-

"i was a healthy young man and he an older man and at the time all this started initially with oiling i believed him to be fully GOD hence when things got more heated i was not really fighting him off….that is why the disgust and shame and embarrasment……even up to the last interview i should have really belted him one but the power of the weak mind rules over common sense in cults as you would be aware of. look at how ALL cults operate….the total mind control at the hands of the leader…..that is why i only initially told about the oilings and that is why i did not as a jesuit novice tell all the details because i was a healthy young man and i stupidly allowed this to happen and continue for longer than it should have. not to mention the fact i did not want my mother to know the details…..even to this day joe i have not told her what i have told you…..it is no longer shame but i just wont tell her yet. many victims of baba take years to come to terms with it and only slowly reveal the full accounts not because they are adding colour to them but because of the stigma attached to allowing freely another older person to have such devoted unquestioning control…….that there is the whole crux of what my, and many other ex devotees , problem begins, that is why i can only now speak the full story. that is why back then in the early days i could not reveal to others all the events in the private room. that is why my 03 account is devoid of the inbetween details. that is why i kept quiet………i was an adult, not a defenceless child……..why and how could i allow an old man to do this without putting up a fight ??? why does ANY MALE allow another older male to rub oil on ones penis without question ??????? that is what i was fighting agaist"

10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One is reminded here of a book about his time near to 'the avatar' by the American devotee Howard Levin, entitled "Good Chances", and one naturally wonders how that title was chosen. Levin was a young man having very close daily contacts with Sathya Sai Baba during the 1970s when he reports Sai Baba as having said those words to him and to other young American men staying there with him, including Tal Brooke (to whom Sathya Sai Baba made clear sexual advances, as detailed by him from 1980 onwards in his books). Howard Levin failed to specify what Sathya Sai Baba meant with the phrase 'Good chances' or in which context he said it. There can be little dobubt that it was said - as reported in several other instances - as part of an invitation to a homosexual relationship with him. Howard Levin was one of a group of young Americans at the ashrams early on to whom Sathya Sai Baba gave a lot of attention and who he called 'the rowdies', probably because they were not quite so quiet and subservient as the Indian students have to be.
Here is another account sent to me by a young man, Greg Gerson from Houston , USA, who was 'oiled' by Sathya Sai Baba:-

During my visits I had five interviews. The first four of which I received private interviews alone with Sai Baba. Sai Baba also gave me two rings: one is silver with his face in gold and the other is a "green diamond". I no longer wear either. During one interview, which occurred just before I was scheduled to fly home to America, while we were alone, Sai Baba had me pull down my pants. He then "materialized" oil and pulled down my underwear and applied the oil on my lower abdomen below my navel and above my penis. He did not touch me sexually or ask me to do anything to him. He did embrace me for what seemed like a long time (perhaps 30 seconds or more) but nothing else. During that visit I was 26 or 27 years old. At another point in this interview when I was with three or four others in the smaller interview room, Sai Baba slapped me across the face quite hard when I was not looking.
I injured my green gem ring in about 1996 and discovered the silver foil inside. I took the ring to a qualified jeweler in Houston and he confirmed that the "gem" was worthless junk.

I spent almost a year and a half of my life living in Sai Baba's ashrams. I heard stories from other young men to whom Sai Baba applied oil. So perhaps it is not especially noteworthy. I also heard of a young man who Sai Baba kissed on the mouth and another young man Sai Baba touched inappropriately (on his genitals).

But, as I am sure you are very aware, these types of second and third hand stories are useless. What is desperately needed is the Indian students of Sai Baba's schools who supposedly underwent true molestation to come forward with their stories (apparently there are a lot?). Only then will progress be made in exposing Sai Baba appropriately.

10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi greeting to all I have been reading both sides of the argument and I'll point out things wrong from both sides. But in my experience with Yogananda and so called yogis avatars gurus masters mystics and supposedly realized individuals is that they all have flaws in their doctrine organization and go against teachings of the scriptures. Now if you want to beleive let's say in Yogananda or Sai baba etc. as an example that he/they were enlightened etc. They really were not. Given yes they may have achieved samadhi or high levels of Samad hi and can show some powers (be it faked or not) but they by no means we're enlightened. It is foolish and unspiritual to determine even one such as Buddha or Krishna as saviors or to devote ourself completely to them if we have not been able to devote our own selves to others and within. Yogananda srf organization and teachings go against even yukteshwar's teachings and he or srf claim themselves to be God incarnate when in reality alot of close disciples have left srf because of I'll things going on in that cult. As far as Sai baba it's a smack to the creator himself to say that your devoted to a person who has committed offense especially if he really does have powers. Demons have powers as well powerful even but it does not mean one should devote himself to them. Same applies to Sai babaji Buddha's, avatars, etc. Ones true devotion Is to the creator of everything not a guru or an avatar or a human being. Being blinded is itself an attachment. All these ppl are human beings they have died they might represent the divine force of creation or are tuned with it more than us but they are not God or truly liberated. All these ppl have shady sides to them verified or not by tangible evidence. Like Elijah Mohammed supposed prophet of Malcolm x they all have something to hide. The creator or God has given us rationalism for a reason it is a gift that no animal has it is the the tool we must use to advance in spiritual evolution. Masters gurus and avatars are like crutches for a broken temporary useful when needed but not ever lasting use them with caution and for what they are for but discard them when not needed to keep walking the path to true liberation. I have learned from my own path going through Yogananda babaji Buddha as well as many others that we have lost our focus of the true God. We either obsess over meditation or Kriya yoga vs raja yoga vs this other yoga or my master avatar God is better than yours. When all we really need is the true creator. Not babaji or shiva or Krishna respect them if you must (if they are real) but blind devotion is ignorance. It's great you have personal experience with Sai but if that blinds you then it's ignorance and an attachment. Same goes for those who vouch for Yogananda or anyone else they are just a means to an end they are not the by far. And they cannot save you only you can your your own true and only guru and avatar (of course through the creator not the ego) no one is God incarnate only tiny mirrors of the infinite. (mirror sizes of course varying) I do also want to state the major flaw of the West and east saying or comparing Christianity with vedic teachings is absurd. Christianity historically and archeological is fabricated, or ripped off from other religions and highly un scientific or incorrect. So Yogananda and others saying that they are brother scriptures are inspired by God is highly ignorant. Lastly like many who say they are enlightened if you ask for money that's a definite sign he or she is false. The path of enlightment to reach God is free to all so like Sai, Yogananda, preachers and priests who accumulate money in disguise of the Divine or basically selling God is definitely not on the right path and a definite fraud. If someone says they are God or an avatar or even enlightened or even allow being worshipped and glorified as an avatar or a master they really are not enlightened at all.

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your article as I was curious as to whether Sai Baba and Ramana ever met.
I haven't read all the comments, but as someone who as attained a certain level of realisation I am able to look at a photo of anyone and 'see' their state. Before this gift I was never quite sure what to make of Sai Baba, and I never had the opportunity to visit him. I can now confirm however that he is at a very very high state. Perhaps the highest, but I feel there is no such thing.

But this isn't a race or a competition. Whomever calls to you on your journey is simply right for you at that time. And all spiritual teachers are providing a service regardless.

2:28 AM  
Blogger rudru47 said...

First of all, I please request you to allow only good comments on Yoganandaji and his life, achievements etc., I just read one Annonymous's comments which is the Hell he has written. Saints like Yoganandaji who are rare in this physical world, need to be respected with good comments. What the bloody non-spiritualized persons know about him.

Coming about Yoganandaji, he has written everything very clearly in Autobiography of Yogi, which is one among the Best 100 Spiritual Books in the World, and is kept as a reference in almost all the Standard Libraries in the World. His mention about man's physical, astral and causal bodies, the law of Karma, reincarnation chapters are still a big Mystery to the Science and it takes thousands, thousands of years to the Science to know what YOganandji has told. His mission of birth was to Spiritualize Materialistic, sense-pleasure Minded Westerners to tread the Path of Yoga, for THEIR IMPROVEMENT. I have read many spiritual books written by great saints like Swami Rama, Mr.M etc., but they do not match with Yoganandaji's autobiography. The world prophecies he has expressed are coming true and still some to be materialized. Yoganandaji will keep taking birth, until all the souls on the earth tread the path of God,which is expressed by him. India needs Yoganandaji like saints Century after Century to maintain its very ancient and treasureful spiritual heritage. //r.m. agadi - rudrappaagadi@gmail.com//

7:12 AM  
Blogger Suvendrie Moodley said...

Dear Rudru47
I appreciate your sincerity of following Yogananda and leaving your email address as well. With the anonymous comments it is difficult to moderate as we do not know who the person actually is.

To the anonymous comment just before your's on whether Sai Baba and Ramana Maharshi ever met - I did somewhere hear that they did meet and Sathya Sai Baba asked Ramana Maharshi not to wear just a loin cloth or something to that effect.


11:14 AM  
Blogger Brenda Brinkley said...

Satya Sai is a pedophile...but in addition, he condemns Kriya yoga, the path of the genuine masters.
by Dennis J Hanisch

This author remembers a major red flag he encountered when a devotee, wherein SSB condemned Kriya yoga in a discourse printed in the Sanathana Sarathi magazine. As I remember, SSB indicated that those who practice Kriya were only satisfying their ego. Unfortunately, I discarded the publication. However, research shows SSB has condemned the practice of Kriya and other Yogic practices on many occasions. This shows his duplicity.

The purpose of this article is to verify SSB's disparagement of Kriya, etc., and to show this contradicts Indian scripture and the teaching of respected saints of India. The point of the presentation is not to promote any guru or teaching. Extracts from SSB's discourses follow. First I want to say, however, that recognized masters including Paramahansa Yogananda (PY) indicate that certain yogic practices take you to the door of God-realization, but devotion and the willingness to ask for help are needed to pass through the door.
PY says, "That meditation-expert (muni) becomes eternally free who, seeking the Supreme Goal, is able to withdraw from external phenomena by fixing his gaze within the mid-spot of the eyebrows and by neutralizing the even currents of prana and apana, [that flow] within the nostrils and lungs; and to control his sensory mind and intellect; and to banish desire, fear, and anger.

Kriya Yoga is mentioned twice by the ancient sage Patanjali, foremost exponent of yoga, who wrote: ’Kriya yoga consists of bodily discipline, mental control, and mediating on Aum.’ Patanjali speaks of God as the actual Cosmic Sound of Aum that is heard in meditation....(Yoga Sutras II.I)

Patanjali refers a second time to the Kriya technique or life-force control thus: 'Liberation can be attained by that pranayama which is accomplished by disjoining the course of inspiration and expiration. (Yoga Sutras II. 49)" Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yoga. (Los Angeles: SRF, [Paperback Edition 1972]) 278.

Yogananda states that St. Paul knew Kriya or a similar technique, by which he could switch life currents to and from the senses. Quoting Corinthians 15:31: "I protest by our rejoicing which I have in Christ, I die daily."

PY explains: "In the initial states of God-communion (sabikalpa samadhi) the devotee's consciousness merges in the Cosmic Spirit: his life force is withdrawn from the body. which appears "dead," or motionless and rigid. The yogi is fully aware of his bodily condition of suspended animation. As he progresses to higher spiritual states (nirbikalpa samadhi), however, he communes with God without bodily fixation; and in his ordinary waking consciousness, even in the midst of exacting worldly duties.....
he contradictions are obvious. Why does SSB say Kriya and Raja are not yoga and that these practices are "flippant and flimsy." Why do they "shrink your sphere of awareness of the Divine?" Kriya and Raja DO control the vagaries of the mind. The life force in the body is controlled and the meditator DOES switch off the senses. THE SENSES ARE THUS CONTROLLED! And why does SSB contradict Krishna, whom he claims to embody, and Patanjali, a revered sage of ancient India? And PY devotees know that Mahavatar Babaji sent PY to the West to teach Kriya Yoga.

The tens of thousands of testimonials regarding changed lives with the practice of Raja and Kriya will need to be in a possible future treatise. By the way, I suspect SSB developed his powers by some practice of PRANAYAMA-

Dennis J Hanisch

10:24 AM  
Blogger Yadunath S Bharadwai said...

That's super weird right...Shri Shirdi Sai Baba lived in the times of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Swami Vivekananda, so he may have mentioned about them. Shri Paramahamsa Yogananda came at a much later time. Paramahamsa Yogananda became a Paramahamsa after Shirdi Sai Baba attained Samadhi, so how does one expect Sai Baba to make a comment on someone whose time had not come yet. Even assuming he had known of what was going to happen in future times does not mean he had to necessarily share the info with someone else.

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Suvendrie Moodley said...

New blog - The journey of Sathya Sai Baba - Vasantha Sai Ma and Pakrithi

I begin this blog with the notion that Vasantha Sai Ma is the essence of Pakrithi or worldly energies and is Sri Sathya Sai Baba's shakti for the world. The journey of Sri Sathya Sai Baba is complex and He essentially leaves it to the individual to figure out their life through wisdom and I am thankful that Sri Sathya Sai Baba has blessed me the intellect in order to figure out my life in a way that others can draw inspiration from.

Vasantha Sai Ma governs the essence of worldly relationships or romance being the incarnation of Radha and she works through the energy of the mother. Vasantha Sai Ma did not signal me at all until about ten years ago so suffice to say that I had anything but luck in relationships - what she did highlight about ten years ago was a bonding problem between me and my mother that she was prepared to help me fix. So far she had emphasised the bonding problem between me and my mother so I remained single. It was up to my own intellect to figure out what to do that was all to do with faith.

I had a traumatic encounter with Vishwananda, the false guru originally from Mauritius at the end of 2004 and false gurus as we know have bonding issues so the attack was extreme. I more recently reported him to the police and began the process of addressing it through a possible court case regarding the false guru. So far it seemed like my energies had shut down and I was not the recipient of definitive worldly support but God had a plan - I recently started a Facebook group on victims of Vishwananda which did not seem to be well received except that a cousin who was a singer and an empowered individual in his own right joined the group - that was a source of faith for me knowing that the energies were opening up and people were connecting to me.

In accomplishing my plan to bond, I took faith from my cousin joining my group and set up a series of posts on Facebook culminating in a post that put Vishwananda in his place regarding image and that opened up channels to heal the bonding issue that I had - an inner voice told me that because of my trauma with Vishwananda I had shut down by not giving to the world and I found an outlet for this by belatedly wishing a cousin for his birthday saying that I was caught up with the court case but had not forgot him - I acted on further insights with my impending court case with Vishwananda as far as the police went and I projected from this a message to a friend who is close to my mother and slightly older than me effectively creating a bonding experience between him and myself that was part of the realm of faith and through this provide a healing energy to the world that has a spiral effect where more people through healing themselves add to the healing of the world.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba signals the intellect to have faith and whatever the challenges, faith can move mountains and create opportunities - Sri Sathya Sai Baba used Vasantha Sai Ma as a tool to help me understand what I needed to in reaching that point of faith in the avenue where worldly life meets the spiritual through bonding.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Rebecca Eller said...

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10:17 AM  

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